Proof of personality behind my skills!
I treat trivia like it's a competitive sport.
I have held both a baby alligator and a rattlesnake (despite my very rational fear of both)
I played the alto saxophone for 10 years
I will show off pictures of my cat like he is my actual child (he is)
I have a very strong opinion on kolaches
Get in touch.
Have a question or want to collaborate? I’d love to hear from you! Feel free to reach out, and I’ll get back to you as soon as possible.
My Certifications
Level 4: Excel Black Belt - McGraw Hill
A Level 4 Excel Black Belt is awarded to individuals that have proven advanced proficiency in Microsoft Excel as assessed by the McGraw-Hill SIMnet platform.
Finance Fundamentals - Kaplan
Finance Fundamentals provides learners with all the foundational skills needed to succeed in an MBA or Master’s program. This course is part of GMAC Business Fundamentals—a three course series designed in partnership with Kaplan to provide learners with the confidence needed to hit the ground running in business school.
Statistics Fundamentals - Kaplan
Statistics Fundamentals provides learners with all the foundational skills needed to succeed in an MBA or Master’s program. This course is part of GMAC Business Fundamentals—a three course series designed in partnership with Kaplan to provide learners with the confidence needed to hit the ground running in business school.
SEO Foundations - LinkedIn Learning
A Search Engine Optimization (SEO) Certification is awarded to individuals who have demonstrated advanced proficiency in SEO strategies, including keyword analysis, content optimization, and long-term content planning, as assessed through comprehensive coursework on search engine results, webpage components, and local SEO.
Accounting Fundamentals - Kaplan
Accounting Fundamentals provides learners with all the foundational skills needed to succeed in an MBA or Master’s program. This course is part of GMAC Business Fundamentals—a three course series designed in partnership with Kaplan to provide learners with the confidence needed to hit the ground running in business school.
Social Media Certified - HubSpot
The bearer of this certificate is hereby deemed fully capable and skilled in applying inbound social media strategy. They have been tested on best practices and are ready to take an inbound approach to social media including social monitoring, content strategy, social engagement, creating social media policies, and demonstrating social ROI to stakeholders.
Pacemaker - HM for Design of the year of a yearbook page/spread
Issued by Associated Collegiate Press
Pinnacle College Media Awards - HM for Best Yearbook Entertainment Page/Spread
Issued by College Media Association
ACP Clips and Clicks Contest - 2nd for Design of yearbook spread
Issued by Associated Collegiate Press